Front-End Basics

Your First Webpage – Hello World!

Start your web development journey with a simple webpage.

Front-End Basics

What Do You Need to Start Front-End Web Development?

There is no need to spend money or get web hosting or buy a domain name if you are starting out in web development.


Understanding the Difference Between "Front-End", "Back-End", and "Full-Stack".

Learn what Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack mean.


Understanding How the World Wide Web (WWW) Works

A high level overview of the technologies that are the foundation of how the World Wide Web works.


Understanding How the Internet Works

A high level overview of how the Internet Works.


How to Exit Vim

Simple help on exiting Vim.


5 Minute Vim Tutorial

This tutorial won't turn you into a Vim wizard, but at least you will be able to open, navigate, edit, and save files using Vim.


Fixing Slow Boot in Windows 7

After the latest Windows 7 updates were applied, I found my computer took over 10 minutes to boot into Windows.


Security Weakness in FaceBook Login

Yes, this is posted on April 1st and, no, it is not a April Fool’s joke – except, I hope, on FaceBook’s part, otherwise it represents a serious security weakness in their login protocol.


Brother HL-3140CW Laser Printer – a Review

What I think after about one month of using the Brother HL-3140CW laser printer.

Web Tools

How to Prevent People from Displaying Your Content on Their Web Pages Inside of a Frame

Tired of having your bandwidth and content siphoned off by other websites?


Replacing the Toner Cartridge in a Brother HL-3140CW Printer

It's not difficult, but not entirely obvious either.