Preprocessor – the #error Directive

Preprocessor – the #error Directive This is a very useful and often underused preprocessor directive. Behaviour of this preprocessor directive is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Purpose The #error directive terminates compilation and outputs the text following the directive. Format #error text All preprocessor directives begin with the # symbol. It must […]


Preprocessor – the #line Directive

I don’t think I have ever seen this directive used. Behaviour of this preprocessor directive is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Purpose The #line directive allows setting the current line number and name of the file being compiled. Format #line integer or #line integer "file_name" or #line preprocessing_expression All preprocessor directives begin […]


Preprocessor – the #pragma Directive

Behaviour of this preprocessor directive is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Behaviour of this directive is very likely to vary from one compiler vendor to another. Purpose The #pragma directive allows implementation specific control of the compiler. Format #pragma command All preprocessor directives begin with the # symbol. It must be the […]


Preprocessor – Understanding the stringizing (#) Operator

This is one of three preprocessor operators. The other two operators are the token pasting operator (##) and the define operator. The behaviour is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Purpose The stringizing operator is used to convert parameters passed to a macro into strings. Format # token_to_turn_into_a_string Use The stringizing (#) operator […]


Preprocessor – the #endif Directive

Behaviour of this preprocessor directive is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Purpose The #endif directive is used end / close / terminate a selection block (#if, #ifdef, or #ifndef. Format #if or #ifdef or #ifndef preprocessor or code statements #elif controlling_expression (optional) preprocessor or code statements #else (optional) preprocessor or code statements […]


Preprocessor – the #else Directive

#else is one of five preprocessor selection statements allowing selection of alternative sections of code for compilation. The other four selection statements are: #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, and #elif. Behaviour of this preprocessor directive is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Purpose The #else directive provides a final alternative for a preprocessor selection block. […]


Preprocessor – the #ifndef Directive

Behaviour of the #ifndef directive is the same in both C and C++. Purpose The #ifndef directive is one of five preprocessor selection statements allowing selection of alternative sections of code for compilation. The other four selection statements are: #ifdef, #if, #elif, and #else. Format #ifndef macro name valid preprocessor or code statements #endif or […]


Preprocessor – the #elif Directive

This (along with the #if directive) is probably the second most complicated preprocessor directive because the controlling expression can be complex and include tricky macro replacements. #elif is one of five preprocessor selection statements allowing selection of alternative sections of code for compilation. The other four selection statements are: #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, and #else. Behaviour […]


Preprocessor – the #if Directive

This (along with the #elif directive) is probably the second most complicated preprocessor directive because the controlling expression can be complex and include tricky macro replacements. #if is one of five preprocessor selection statements allowing selection of alternative sections of code for compilation. The other four selection statements are: #ifdef, #ifndef, #elif, and #else. Behaviour […]


Preprocessor – the #ifdef Directive

Behaviour of the #ifdef directive is the same in both C and C++. Purpose The #ifdef directive is one of five preprocessor selection statements allowing selection of alternative sections of code for compilation. The other four selection statements are: #ifndef, #if, #elif, and #else. Format #ifdef macro name valid preprocessor or code statements #endif or […]


Preprocessor – Understanding the defined Operator

This is the least known of the preprocessor operators. The other two operators are the token pasting operator (##) and the stringizing operator (#). The behaviour is the same for both C and C++ compilers. Format defined macro_name or defined ( macro_name ) Use The defined operator is used to check if a macro_name has […]


Preprocessor – the #include Directive

Behaviour of the #include directive is the same in both C and C++. Purpose It is used to include / insert / copy paste the contents of the specified file into the current file. Format #include <file name> or #include "file name" or #include preprocessor tokens All preprocessor directives begin with the # symbol. It […]