Front-End Basics

A Page <div>ided

A worked example using <div> for sectioning content and 'margin:auto' for centering.

Front-End Basics

Sectioning Using HTML and Auto Centering Content

We saw that you can style the <body> tag to contain your content. In this tutorial, we'll see a better way.

Front-End Basics

Example Page Where the Content is not Flush with the Left Side

Take your first step toward styling a page where the content is centred (sort of).

Front-End Basics

Nine More CSS Properties to Play With

Expand your CSS styling vocabulary with 9 more properties and expand your knowledge of margin and padding.

Front-End Basics

Five Examples Using CSS Selectors

Some worked examples of using various CSS selectors.

Front-End Basics

CSS – Selecting Specific Elements for Styling

Learn how to selectively style only parts of your document.

Front-End Basics

HTML Flow and the CSS Box Model – the ‘Display’ Property

Not all HTML boxes behave the same. Learn why.

Front-End Basics

A CSS Example with Boxes

An example displaying the CSS boxes.

Front-End Basics

Introducing HTML Flow and the CSS Box Model

Knowing how HTML flows on the page and how CSS models HTML elements as boxes is essential to mastering front-end development.

Front-End Basics

A Basic CSS Example

A (garishly) colourful CSS example page.

Front-End Basics

Introducing CSS

Add a little colour to your pages.

Front-End Basics

HTML Basics – Conclusion

A quick recap of everything you have learned so far.